Saturday, March 7, 2009

Some embroidery

Last weekend I went to the Gathering of the Guilds. Once a year the local fiber arts guilds get together to show off their work, sell stash and try to get new members. There's embroidery, quilting, knitting, crochet, tatting, weaving, rug hooking, lace making, sewing, basket weaving, and straw weaving. I belong to EGA (Embroidery Guild of America) and ANG (American Needlepoint Guild) so I spent a lot of time running back and forth between the two tables.

I tried to take pictures of some of my embroidery. It's hard to take good pics since I have glass on the pieces made out of dark fabric or have beads. Here are two of my favorite. I'll show off more in the future.

This is Marissa's Weathervanes designed by Peg Dunayer. It was an ANG correspondence course. I loved the look of the white and metallic threads on the black fabric. This was the first piece that I substituted threads and used some of my stash. I won a blue ribbon at the York Fair with this piece.

This is a large cross stitch sampler I made when I was in college. It has hung for the past 25 years over the fireplace in our living room. I made it on muslin which has discolored nicely after so many years and several smokey fires. It looks like a real antique.


Karen Gill said...

Those are real treasures, and lovely work!! One of our most beloved pieces of art is a cross stitch sampler my Mother in law did for us years ago.
Glad you had fun!

GrandmaMarilyn said...

Lovely embroidery. My daughter loves to do thread art. It is so gorgeous.

Marlaine said...

Beautiful pieces Dawn! Do you do Hardanger too?

Melody Marie Murray said...

Wow! Gorgeous!

Susan Clinkscales said...

Dawn - your embroidery is gorgeous! I love to do it too. If there were only more hours in the day. :)