Sunday, January 11, 2009

Crazy Wavy Bracelet

It's been awhile but I'm back. Things were crazy over the holidays, both at work and at home, so I didn't have much time for blogging.

Last Nov I agreed to teach a beginner freeform peyote bracelet class at our local recreation center but not enough people signed up for it and it was canceled. Some of the disappointed students told their friends and I now have 6 students signed up for the same class in Feb. The rec center will be posting their Spring classes soon so hopefully more people sign up. Here's a picture of the sample bracelet. Can you tell it was fall when I made it?


GrandmaMarilyn said...

Yes, I can tell you made it in the fall. But, the colors are so beautiful together.

Jean Hutter said...

Great bracelet - good luck with the class it will be fun!

BeadsForever said...

Great bracelet! I made one freeform and then took it all out. Need to get up my courage again.

beadsandblooms said...

The colors are beautiful, fall or not. Have fun with your class!

cherylannd said...

nice bracelet - and how wonderful that your class is re-scheduled!